MALFORMATIONS - traduzione in arabo
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MALFORMATIONS - traduzione in arabo

Congential deformity; Congenital deformity; Birth abnormality; Congenital; Congenital problems; Hemitery; Birth defects; Congenital malformation; Congenital defect; Congenital disease; Congenital malformations; Congenital anomalies; Congenital abnormalities; Congenital deformities; Congenital syndrome; Congenital syndromes; Malformation; Congenital defects; Congential; Malformations; Congenital absence; Congenital absences; Congenital complete absence; Congenital abnormality; Developmental abnormality; Congenital disorders; Congenital anomaly; Major malformations; Digital anomaly; Congenital macroglossia; Diffuse congenital phlebectasia; Congenital medical condition; Birth anomaly; Fetal defect; Fetal defects; Structural congenital abnormality; Malformation syndrome; Congenital physical anomalies; Congenital physical abnormalities; Major congenital malformation; Congenital problem; Congenital diseases; Congenital medical conditions; Congenital physical anomaly; Major malformation; Birth anomalies; Major congenital malformations; Congenital physical abnormality; Structural congenital abnormalities; Congenital condition; Congenital disorder; Congenital illness; Fetal abnormality; Fatal abnormalities; Congential disorder; Fetal anomaly
  • 177–396}}{{Refend}}
  • more than 950}}



مُشَوَّه ; مَمْسُوخ

vascular malformation         
  • 3D image of an arteriovenous malformation shown in purple on the ring finger of a hand
  •  Drawing of a microcystic lymphangioma on the left side of a boy's tongue
  • [[Port-wine stain]] on leg
Venous malformation; Capillary malformation; Capillary malformations; Vascular malformations; Vascular stain
‎ تَشَوُّهٌ عائِلِيّ‎


Connate, connatural, inborn, coeval with birth, existing at or from birth.


Birth defect

A birth defect, also known as a congenital disorder, is an abnormal condition that is present at birth regardless of its cause. Birth defects may result in disabilities that may be physical, intellectual, or developmental. The disabilities can range from mild to severe. Birth defects are divided into two main types: structural disorders in which problems are seen with the shape of a body part and functional disorders in which problems exist with how a body part works. Functional disorders include metabolic and degenerative disorders. Some birth defects include both structural and functional disorders.

Birth defects may result from genetic or chromosomal disorders, exposure to certain medications or chemicals, or certain infections during pregnancy. Risk factors include folate deficiency, drinking alcohol or smoking during pregnancy, poorly controlled diabetes, and a mother over the age of 35 years old. Many are believed to involve multiple factors. Birth defects may be visible at birth or diagnosed by screening tests. A number of defects can be detected before birth by different prenatal tests.

Treatment varies depending on the defect in question. This may include therapy, medication, surgery, or assistive technology. Birth defects affected about 96 million people as of 2015. In the United States, they occur in about 3% of newborns. They resulted in about 628,000 deaths in 2015, down from 751,000 in 1990. The types with the greatest numbers of deaths are congenital heart disease (303,000), followed by neural tube defects (65,000).

Esempi di pronuncia per MALFORMATIONS
1. of fetal malformations incompatible with life.
Healthcare For The Vulnerable _ Giselle Carino _ Talks at Google
2. And I saw an array of fetal malformations in their busy
What Innovative Family Farming Teaches Us About Health and Healing _ Daphne Miller _ Talks at Google
Esempi dal corpus di testo per MALFORMATIONS
1. Many people harbor arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) unknowingly for decades.
2. As their name implies, arteriovenous malformations are abnormal growths in which arteries feed directly into veins.
3. The experience of other people who have suffered bleeding from arteriovenous malformations inside the brain suggests that Sen.
4. Others say animals may be filtering into the zone, but they appear to suffer malformations and other ills.
5. All new drugs are tested on pregnant animals to see whether they cause malformations, but those tests can be misleading.